Skincare in the face of pandemic

Much of the United States has been in lockdown for a little over a month and the CDC has recommended wearing a cloth mask while outside to help "flatten the curve". More frequent mask-wearing and hand-washing, in addition to increased stress and snacking can all wreak havoc on your skin. In a time when anxiety is high and as we adjust to a new normal, faced with a pandemic threatening life as we know it, let us take a step back and take a moment for ourselves.

Follow a Healthy Diet

Pandemic or not, skin health begins from within.  A healthy, nourishing diet high in fruits and vegetables as well as generalized wellness sets the tone for your skin and overall well-being, so next time you are reaching for a snack, try to pick the healthier option and minimize the intake of processed foods, refined sugars and dairy.  

Hands off

This applies to all times, not just during quarantine.  The hands are dirty  and can transfer bacteria and chemicals that can cause acne and skin irritation.  Also, it’s important to be cognizant if you might be resting your chin on your hand while you work from home.

Use of Masks

Similarly, masks can exacerbate skin conditions such as acne, rosacea and sensitive skin due to the friction of the material on the face as well as blocking the pores.  This is why it is best to only wear the mask when outside of the house. There is no need to wear the mask while driving alone in your car.  If you have a washable mask, it is a good idea to launder it (skip the fabric softeners) at least once a week , or even have a couple, so that you can alternate them.  Also, if you are wearing your mask below your nose, FYI, you are only occluding the pores on your lower face and chin while not protecting yourself or those around you. 



It is important to cleanse your face and your hands when you come in from doing essential errands.  In case you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19, it is a good idea to rinse your face just like you would wash your hands.  Keep in mind, however, that over-washing your hands, like your face, can strip the skin of its natural oils which may lead your skin to over produce sebum and lead to acne.  For this reason, I like to consolidate all essential errands into one trip and cleanse for the day upon my return.  

The use of gentle cleansers

Using a gentle cleanser like Environ’s Mild Cleansing Lotion or a cleanser that targets acne, like Environ’s Sebuwash, is best to avoid stripping the natural oils of the skin and to avoid causing more damage to the skin.  Harsh cleansers, such as those for exfoliation or acne, are best avoided if you are experiencing facial irritation from frequent washing or mask-wearing.  Follow up with a gentle moisturizer such as Environ’s Youth Essentia C-quence Serum, an effective, yet gentle moisturizer with vitamins a and vitamin c to help your skin recover quickly. Last but most importantly, apply sunscreen every day, as the sun’s UV rays and blue light from electronic devices can cause skin damage and premature aging.  I have been using Revision’s Intellishade daily for years.

If you have to wear a mask for extended periods of time, you may still experience congested skin and blackheads. Come in for a light peel to help your skin reset.

There are enough things to be worried about during this pandemic, so no need to worry about your skin, now that you’ve read this article 🙂  Stay safe and be well.

Disclosure: Recommendations are based on Dr. JoAnna Nguyen’s professional experience with each product. Affiliate links are used to help support the cost of running the site. If you would like to purchase Revision products, please use this link.

JoAnna Nguyen